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Rema Nandakumar, Principal of Samsidh MLZS Bangalore – Founders Day Interview

By 16th July 2015 July 24th, 2024 No Comments
As the principal of Samsidh’s MLZS Bangalore, Ms. Rema Nandakumar is the driving force behind the daily activities of all the schools. Under her able leadership, the teachers, staff and students have ingrained the vision of the school. This vision was set by the Founders of Samsidh’s MLZ Bangalore.
Here are a few excerpts from the Interview:
1. Tell us about 1st academic year of MLZS in contrast to how it stands today.
We have come a long way…. When I think of the first year, the first thing which comes to my mind is “I am in control now”.  The first year was a learning experience. We were building our team, training our teachers, instilling trust in the hearts of parents who trusted us with their children, to do what is the absolute for them. For our new children, we were constantly on the lookout to find creative ways to bring out their potential and make them excel in that field. And of course, there was the academic side to all of this that had to be achieved to perfection.
Today, our schools stand tall and are a testimony to all the efforts that we as an entire team made to do the right things for the benefit of all the stake holders.
I also have the confidence to manage the entire working in all the schools. My duty is empowering, nurturing and motivating the people around me and ensuring that nobody loses sight of the vision that our Founders have for the children.
2. What is the vision of the Founders for the Schools?
The Founders’ Vision for the Schools is – “Creating the future leaders those who can analyse what is right and wrong. Those who can always think globally and act locally.
3. How is MLZS taking the lead when it comes to nurturing 21st century leaders?
Everyone who is working in MLZS knows the vision and we are all trying to nurture the young ones to internalize this vision as well. All our classes are incorporated with life skills and right attitude (values) along with knowledge. We create a lot of opportunities for our children to take the responsibility and experience the leadership.
4. What is the way forward for all MLZS schools?
We have to take up social projects to understand the capability of our students. This will help them to work with the unknown and to face the challenges. Expose them to as many life skills as possible and hope to uncover their inherent potential in doing so.