
Leaders aren’t born they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work.

– Vince Lombardi

It is the responsibility of educators, mentors, and parents alike to groom a strong battalion of leaders for tomorrow out of our wards. Build ones who would take charge with positive intentions and demonstrate genuine concern for the people around, collaborate better, enthuse a higher level of trust, and lead the generation by the example of loyalty across professional, social, and personal spheres of life.

Now, to build such strong and competent leadership, why wait till one reaches adulthood? Why not catch them young and lay the foundation for tomorrow? Since the Gurukul tradition in ancient India, the onus of grooming future leaders was on the Gurus. In present times, this responsibility of educational establishments is superlative and cannot be overshadowed with the sole focus on academic excellence.

To prepare world citizens who have the right balance of academic, emotional, social, and adversity intelligence, students need to imbibe specific skills. These skills would ensure that they are capable of leading from the front in every issue that they passionately believe in while taking care of the well-being of their teammates.

At Samsidh, we mentor our students to cultivate leadership traits to build Compassionate Leadership capable of influencing social change and leading teams for better organizational performance. Read along to get a glimpse of how we accomplish this feat.

Constant Learning – An environment of constant learning and encouragement to learn from every sphere and entity, big or small, nurtures a learning orientation. This, in turn, imbibes a sense of humility and grounded-ness in the children, which are essential characteristics of a leader.

Helpfulness – As a leader, one needs to help teammates resolve problems by identifying and managing them effectively to push them to achieve their best performance. This helpful attitude is built right at school while collaborating in group projects.

Selflessness – Putting others before self, empathising with a lagging teammate and lending a hand are traits that make a Compassionate Leadership . The students, in their regular curricular and co-curricular activities, get ample opportunity to cultivate these traits.

Ethical standards – The ability to distinguish right from wrong, a strong sense of discipline and self-regulation are the hallmarks of a sensible human who can lead others. Students, through their day-to-day activities and interactions, etches these ethical standards in their minds for life.

Influence – A leader seeks to motivate. And a key to the ability to motivate others is to be able to motivate self. There may be occasions in life when our children find themselves at a dead-end, and self-motivation is all that they would need at such a time. And this skill would also help them help others.

Passion – Finding one’s passion and helping others find theirs is a must-have ability of a Compassionate Leadership, one who cares for the upliftment of their peers and mentees. Because without a passion, there is no goal, and hence no sense of achievement either.

Teamwork – Working in a team, the sense of belongingness, accountability, and achievement is integral to leadership which students learn with every group activity they engage in at school.

Conflict Management – Ideating, brainstorming and managing conflict are all in a day’s work of a leader and a Samsidh student too, who learns the art of conflict management at a tender age to become an effective leader of the future.

Join us in our endeavour to build a generation of compassionate humans at Samsidh Group of schools, who have high emotional intelligence, can empathize with other people and lead from the front when required.