Change makers, Social Structure club always have a motive to spread awareness, where people should make a better society and live-in harmony. Social structure is often treated together with the concept of social change, which deals with the forces that change the social structure and the organization of society.
- In the month of July, we had conducted two activities. First activity was done to spread awareness about road safety. Students prepared the presentation using an app (Canva) and conducted quiz on traffic rules. And a small story was also narrated by student of grade VI using figure puppet.
- Second activity in month of July was conducted on World Reading Day, the session was started by storytelling session by Anuradha ma’am. She spoke about Shakespeare and his style of writing. Students spoke about their favorite book and characters. In an interactive session student also connected the characters of book they read with their family and friends. For conducting this activity, we used Menti.com and Padlet. It was an interactive session where teachers were nostalgic and spoke about their school days and types of books they use to read.