
How To Prepare For This Academic Year: Tips From Our Experts

Since last year, our school Academic Year have shaped up in ways that neither educators nor parents and their wards had ever imagined before.

With no inkling when the physical classes will resume, we’re all grappling with new methods of teaching and learning. All students prepared for examinations based on virtual instructions and self-study. The session ended with the canceled examinations and promotion of students to the next class based on the advisory of the respective board authorities.

A new session has kicked off, embracing the new normal in education. All parties involved have accepted that the current year too will be similar to the one gone by, at least when it comes to the delivery of academics. To make the best of the situation and continue with the learning journey, the experts of Samsidh have listed some tips for students as to how they can ace the academic year.

Get familiar with the syllabus

Check out the curriculum for the school year. Seek out if there are any changes in the syllabus. Moreover, browse through the contents of your books and other study material. Check out reference books, if available. And also refer to the repositories of questions from previous years of the same class, to understand how you should prepare yourself.

Review last year’s topics

Do a quick refresher of the topics from the previous year. Overall, your learning from the last academic year should be so fresh in your mind that grasping the in-depth discussions of the same or related topics does not take you by surprise. This prep will certainly help you sail through the session with ease.

Research new topics

Check out the new topics that will be covered during the academic year to stay ahead of the class. Read the initial chapters, do some basic research and note down your understanding of the topics for a discussion with the teacher when the topic is taken up in class.

Connect with your seniors

Connecting with the students who were in your class last year to gain insight from their experience is a good idea. Understand how they proceeded with the syllabus, whether they consulted any additional reference material, how they scheduled their self-study, how were they evaluated, and so on, to equip yourself better in handling the academics of the new school year.

Consult the teachers

Get in touch with the teachers for advice on how to approach the curriculum in the present circumstances. Of course, they will be there to instruct you during the virtual classes, but a one-to-one consultation regarding your pressure points and how best to deal with them will give you an edge. Not to mention making a fabulous first impression of a serious student in front of the teacher.

Schedule for better time management

It is easy to lose track of time amidst online classes, self-study, personal time, and time to rest while being stuck at home due to the pandemic. Prepare a workable schedule for effective time management. Make space for some physical activities as fitness is the aspect that will help you sail through times – tough or easy. Do not forget to add your favourite hobbies to the schedule as all work and no play is certainly going to make you a dull and stressed student.

Finally, bear in mind that scoring good marks should not be the only goal. The knowledge accumulated at the end of the year is equally, if not more, important. So let’s move ahead with a focus on gaining knowledge and learning new and exciting things that will pave the way for a successful future.

We wish all students and parents a super-duper academic year!