Message of the Head of Education


The purpose of education has changed from that of producing a literate society to that of producing a learning society.”

– Margaret Ammons

What is true education?

It is a process of developing the ability to learn, apply, unlearn and relearn.  True education is beyond earning degrees after one’s names, is more than bookish knowledge without  having a clue on how to use it in real life.

Au courant of this fact, we at Samsidh follow a methodology which supports every child’s unique learning style.  Our Schools use the curriculum guidelines given by the CBSE Board and enhances the same with various in-house programs to suit different learning styles and multiple intelligences.

Our well researched and well enhanced curriculum helps in the holistic development of each child.  The concepts for learning are based on real life situations which bring in an instant connect and thus learning is for life.  The curriculum is set in such a way that it hones the knowledge, skills and the Higher order thinking Skills in children.

No child is left behind is the mantra of our school.

Human beings are not factory models to be identical. Each individual is distinctive and has one’s own style of learning.  So using one method to all, will not help.  We have a streamlined Enrichment Curriculum in the subjects which aims at helping the students move one level up, whatever be the level. At Samsidh, we strive to make each student feel that he/she is a winner and that a winner isn’t the one who scores a centum. 

Every activity of the student is analysed and we help him/her hone that uniqueness.   The choice of profession is no longer limited to only two.  The wide world outside has a variety of options and we help the children choose wisely and judiciously.  The children are given an exposure to the real world through various activities, competitions and projects which help them identify their inner potential.  We believe in helping the children become independent, pro active and capable through these challenging activities.

At Samsidh, we believe in the innate goodness and the innate capability of every individual and help in radiating these qualities to the outside world and send forth to 21st Century, happy leaders who are Compassionate, Humble and creative.

Registrations Open for 2024 -25