Our mantra at SAMSIDH School – Electronic City has always been ‘What’s right for the child’ as we recognize that every child is unique and gifted in one’s own way. Our teaching methodology is based on the theory of Multiple Intelligence (MI), where all the children learn based on their specific intelligence. We teach them the way they need to learn. At SAMSIDH which is one of the top CBSE schools in Bangalore, we realize that children thrive when given undivided and personal attention.
Our curriculum enables our students to acquire life skills to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life, through their exposure to a variety of programs and opportunities. We believe that education is not the mere acquisition of skills and knowledge. They cannot be effective unless guided by a set of core values that are non-negotiable as they build the character of the individual. At SAMSIDH MLZS we believe that being a successful humane human is more important than being merely a successful human being sans ethics.
Message from Chairman
Mr. Vasa Srinivasa Rao
Founder and Chairman
Education is the most revered concept in India. Everyone wants to be educated and become knowledgeable in life. Many in fact scale Himalayan obstacles to acquire education. When that is the case, why is that the majority of people are not job ready? Upon deep contemplation, it has been revealed that our people albeit gaining proficient content knowledge do not acquire the necessary skills needed for the application of the same. They know the ‘WHAT’ but they do not know the ‘WHY’ and ‘HOW’.
Message from Head Of Institution
Deepthy M
Vice Principal, Samsidh School, Electronic City .
We teach our students to dream big, encourage them to see the world from a global perspective. Our learners are taught to become independent through experiences within and beyond the classroom. Technology is incorporated in the learning process to enhance imagination and creativity.In order to achieve this we have developed our own methodology ‘Samsidh model’ which emphasizes on Enrichment, Character development &Leadership and Happiness .
Facilities at Samsidh MLZS, Electronic City
The 21st-century world requires individuals to possess multi-disciplinary skills and capabilities. This necessitates the provision of diverse learning opportunities to students during all stages of their schooling. We provide our future leaders with a conducive atmosphere where the mind is fertile and seed is sown for a tree of knowledge to flourish. The following facilitate the Teaching-Learning process.
Well Equipped Laboratory
Fully-equipped Computer Lab used by students for their practical work and well-maintained Composite Science Lab where the students observe and perform practical science studies under the teacher’s safe supervision. The school has a Math Lab and a Language Lab and the enrichment classes take place there.
Student Wellbeing
The children are also made aware of the Mental and Physical Health benefits of pursuing Sports as a hobby at the Primary level. A well ventilatedYoga hall where our students develop both physical and mental well being.
Expert Educators
We follow a student-centric curriculum and hence teachers at the school adopt a student-centric approach to learning. Teachers facilitate the learning process by helping the students to access information, by encouraging their creative ideas and honing their interpersonal skills.
Development Clubs
To fuel the bountiful minds of the children at the Primary level we have a motley of age appropriate Educational equipments. The Activity Room is fully established and well stocked. The performing Arts and the Visual arts are an integral part of the Teaching – Learning process.
Learning Centers
Each class has a well-stocked Library. The library houses ‘Reading level’ appropriate books rather than ‘Age Appropriate’ books. Each child in the class can start reading at his/her own pace and level of understanding.
Keeping in mind the Physical Fitness and the importance that it plays in the brain development of the children, the school in association with TSG-The Sports Gurukul Academy- utilises the spacious ground in identifying the innate sport talent in a child and helps train in the field of interest.
Hybrid Learning
CCTV Monitoring for A Safe and Secure Premises
GPRS based Transport System
Advanced Fire Safety Measures
School Gallery
Parent Connect
Student Connect
Parents Testimonials
Admission Process
SAMSIDH School’s admission process seeks to provide every child a fair and equal opportunity to develop the ability and potential towards his/her successful completion of education. The admission process mostly begins a year in advance.
Documents To Be Submitted At The Time Of Admission
Office Timings: 9:00 a.m to 4:30 p.m
Shikaripalya Main Road,
1 Km from WIPRO Bus stop,
Electronic City,Bangalore – 560 100.
Landline : 81 23 79 65 65
Mobile : +91 70 22 04 72 76 / 70 22 04 72 78
E-mail : enquiries.ecity@samsidhmlzs.com
Enquire Now