Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the Mind to thing

-Albert Einstein

It is my privilege to be a part of leading the educational processes at Samsidh Group of Schools. And it has an outstanding reputation when it comes to providing students with a high quality education. 

Education is about ‘Learning for self and acquiring the wisdom of life’. With the advent of technology, as we move into a boundary-less and inter-connected world, the common phrase ‘sky is the limit’ seems a bit of a cliché, since the quantum of success has grown in manifold. With success comes the attitude towards winning and spirit of achievement; and education should aim towards preparing the mind-set for excellence.

Today, classrooms have become Centre’s for collaborative and comprehensive learning that would enhance the growth curve and prepare the students for challenging roles in the future.

I believe that academic learning is most effective when it is based upon active learning experiences, creative problem-solving and critical thinking.

In Samsidh, we take on the task of character building as an important area of growth along with excellence in multiple disciplines for our students.  The focus will also be towards values-based learning, soft skills development, leadership training, the art of self-governance, crisis management and so on.

Ganga devi

Samsidh MLZS

Ganga devi