Education is the most revered concept in India.  Everyone wants to be educated and become knowledgeable in life.  Many in fact scale Himalayan obstacles to acquire education.  When that is the case, why is that the majority of people are not job ready?  Upon deep contemplation,  it has been revealed that  our people albeit gaining proficient content knowledge do not acquire the necessary skills  needed for the application of the same.  They know the ‘WHAT’ but they do not know the ‘WHY’ and ‘HOW’. 

Being in the engineering field for more than 22 years and observing the professional work, I realized that the system of delivery of our education is completely misdirected.  The top 20% of students is only successful in life due to their innate intelligence. The rest of hard working 80% is not successful due to the lack of application skills. The Education Department also realized this and hence changes were brought in by the CBSE.

But again the question came to my mind if just knowledge and skills are enough for people?  What about ethics? 

Is it enough to be good in our work and forsake ethics/values? 

While I was in the quest of this, I came to know about the integrated methodology which incorporates Knowledge, Skills and Values in every unit of every lesson in every subject. We need to help the children, our future generation to turn into not only successful but also humane human beings.

At SAMSIDH , we believe that each child is unique and it is our endeavour to hone that uniqueness and help the child achieve his/her maximum potential.

We believe that even the 80% has the potential to succeed if they  are prepared in the manner suited to them.  Our differential teaching methodology helps the students succeed in life. 

SAMSIDH  takes pride in preparing the children as confident, caring people who are creative, curious and committed to their learning.

– Mr. Vasa Srinivasa Rao

Vasa Srinivasa Rao